All posts by Marsha Ndbay

CT Inaugural

Our 2016 partial fleet shakedown was our first trip launching in Connecticut, and a blast.  Six hard nuts in two boats, we were a bit delayed in getting underway


and found the wind out on the sound insufficient to make up the time to get to Plum Gut before the flood. We opted to see what we could find up the Connecticut River. Once we got past the railroad bridge, the options for secluded gunkholes to spend the night kept improving as we went, until we found oursleves in a sleepy little backwater up against a steep wooded slope, not a soul or house in sight.

The next morning we descended the river, our progress varying with the wind and a game of tag that lasted out onto the sound.

It looked once again like we weren’t going to make it through Plum Gut before the flood, but decided to give it a go all the same. Wapiti (a Wayfarer dinghy) indeed would have made it, but the light breeze was insufficient for Mama’s Buoy (an O’day Daysailer with soon to be replaced sails) to beat the increasing head current. OPWe decided to anchor off the north side of Orient Point. All had found the gut’s confused waters as the tide turned exhilarating. After a little reconnoitering, we decided to spend the night on the pebble beach, and half our company soon drifted off to sleep before dinner.

In the morning we sailed back to the mainland, a couple of dips being taken en route. Blessed by pleasant weather, charming shore support, good company, and an almost complete absence of mosquitos we returned sated, grateful, and ready for more.
